Here we go then........... for my A I have made an Animal ATC, (2 A's there see? :) )
And Lesley has also made a double A, an Autumn ATC And Fifi has made a fabulous Alphabet Twinchie :)So now it's over to all you talented people, post a comment below when you have made your A item, and let us know where we can see it, have fun.
Are you all ready? I will be starting the first Challenge, which will be............ A, (obviously) next Friday, 27th March, so make sure you pop back to join in. :)
Every other Friday at 9:00 am we will set a new challenge using the letters from the alphabet with a theme for each one. You can make any handcrafted item you like using the current weeks letter & theme so please join in!
Once you have created your item, simply add your link to the little
Blue Frog Also please make sure you link us back to your own blog post.
We do have a few rules.
No back linking to previous work posted on your blog, just to clarify, this means anything before each new challenge date.
A maximum of 3 entries, no extras will recieve comments or be in the judging.
The Design Team will not be able to join in or sign in to any group, server etc.
It would also help us if you turn off word verification in your comments.