
Friday 14 February 2014

* A for Always and Forever *

Welcome back to the 'Alphabet Challenge'.

Jan back again this week for Team A with news of our next challenge, 
but first I would just like to say a massive 'thanks' to everyone 
who joined in with our last challenge 'Z for Zesty Colours' - 
there were some fabulous entries!

So, here's our Top 3 chosen by Pat
(in no particular order):

#12 Crafty Meerkat

#21 Katie Tate

# 37 Emma (The Sparkle Fairy)

Congratulations, ladies - 
please feel free to take a copy of our Top 3 badge from the sidebar.

------ ooo ------

Well that takes us back to the start of a brand new alphabet,
so here we go with the next challenge this time chosen by Tammy, which is

A for Always & Forever

As we celebrate Valentines Day, we would love to see your interpretation
of our theme - what do you consider to be 'Always & Forever'?
Don't forget we are a multi crafts blog so you can make anything you like 
as long as it fits the theme.

Here's some great inspiration from Team A:





Great work as always Ladies! 
To view how the DT have made their creations 
please pop along to their blogs - links are at the top.

Sadly, we said 'Goodbye' to our teamie Roxx this month -
but wish her well in her future endeavours.

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Now it's over to you - 
please leave your link with the little Blue Frog 
and remember to link your entry back to our blog.
We will be round to visit your blogs over the course of the next fortnight.

Well, that's all from me - 
Shaz will be back on the 28th February 
with our Top 3 winners and the next challenge.

Good Luck
The Alphabet Team


  1. Thanks so much for picking my card in the Top 3! and congrats to the other winners too :)

  2. Gorgeous creations ladies!
    Hugs, Tammy

  3. Congrats and beautiful Dt creations

  4. Thank you so much for picking my card in the top 3 :)

  5. Gorgeous cards ladies, thank you for the fab challenge. x

  6. I love all the DT Creations!! Wow!!! Amazing.. Just gorgeous!! Thanks for the fantastic challenge!!

    - Susan
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}
    {Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}
