
Friday, 26 April 2019

Challenge - C is for Clean and Simple (CAS)

Welcome back to the 'Alphabet Challenge'.

                              We are returning this week with Team B with news
                              of our next challenge, but first our thanks to those
                                     of you who joined us for our last theme
                                         B is for Buildings chosen by Dawn,
                                           who has also chosen the winners.
                                         We  were thrilled to have had so many 
                                  amazing and fantastic entries which inspired us.
                                Exciting news see the page above on the tab bar
                                                               Winner for the 
                                                                Wall of Fame 

                                                      #9 Red Obsession
                                  I've just returned from Paris, this so reminds me of the
                                                                       places we visited.
                                    Here are our Top 3 Winners
(in numerical order)
#1 Christine
this so appealed to me

#5 Carol Gill
There is so much going on with this card.

#7 Marina
Love the CAS design and it's Paris again!
Congratulations, ladies - 
please feel free to take a copy of our Top 3 badge from the sidebar.

Now onto our new theme for the next two weeks
and this time it was chosen by Darlene

C is for CAS (Clean and Simple)
CAS - No embellishments - no layers -
We can't wait to see the projects you make, but
meanwhile here is some fabulous inspiration
for you from Team B






To view how the DT have made their projects 
please pop along to their blogs - links are at the top.
------ ooo ------
By entering these challenges you are giving your consent to your blog links 
being visible along with your name in the entries.
Now it's over to you - 
please leave your link with the Blue Frog 
and remember to link your entry back to our blog.
We will be round to visit your blogs over the next fortnight.
After  two weeks we will return
with our Top 3 winners and our next challenge.


  1. Thank you for choosing my card in your Top 3 and congrats to the other ladies
    Carol x

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my card for the wall of fame, I am over the moon.

  3. Congrats Red Obsession! And thanks for the top3 pick.

  4. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

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  6. Loving the DT projects. Happy crafting, Angela xXx

  7. Super makes from the DT, Hazelx

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