
Friday, 17 January 2020

U - Use Washi Tape

Welcome back to the 'Alphabet Challenge'.

               We are starting the new year with a change to the challenge blog, 
                 we no longer have two teams,  we currently have nine DT members,
                    all of them from the previous two teams. We will continue
                                            to have two - weekly challenges.
                      We are returning this week with news  of our next challenge
                            but first our thanks to those of you who joined us
                  for our last theme T - Try Something Different chosen by Helen, 
                                          who  also has chosen the winners.
                                               We  were thrilled to have your 
                                  amazing and fantastic entries which inspired us.
                                Exciting news see the page above, on the tab bar
                                                               Winner for the 

                                                                Wall of Fame 

                                           #16 - Felix the Crafty Cat

                                       Our Top 3 Winners

                                              #28 - Helen

                                              #33 - Trina P

                                              #51 - Jolanda

                                     Congratulations to all our winners, please take a copy of the
                                             winner's badge, to happily display on your blog.
                                                          Design Team Call
                             We would love to invite one more member to our team.
                                        Please see the DT Call details on the tab bar.
                               Add DT after your name, and please be sure to send
                                    an email to Caz, so she can get in touch with you.
                                This challenge blog has been popular for many years,
                                           DT posts do not often become available.

                                    So let's get started with our next challenge
                                          with the letter U - chosen by Silvi
                                                        Use Washi Tape
                          To view how the DT have made their projects 

                                       please pop along to their blogs - links are at the top.
                                                                     ------ ooo ------




                                                Emma R





By entering these challenges you are giving your consent to your blog links 
being visible along with your name in the entries.
Now it's over to you - 
please leave your link with the Blue Frog 
and remember to link your entry back to our blog.
We will be round to visit your blogs over the next fortnight.
After  two weeks we will return
with our Wall of Fame Winner and the
Top 3 winners along with our next challenge.


  1. Thank you so much for picking my "sweet eyes" card as one of the favourites. It makes me feel real proud.
    Jolanda xx

  2. Thanks so much for choosing my card among the favourites - what a lovely surprise!
    Helen x

  3. Oh you just made my weekend, Helen! 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you so much for this sweet surprise!
    Congrats to the winner and other top picks.

  4. My first 'washi' card ever, more to follow!
    xx Annie

    1. I am so pleased you have enjoyed the introduction to Washi talpe, I too am a new convert. It has amazing possibilities which I overlooked. Thank you for playing along with our challenge. Best crafty wishes, Caz. DT.

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  6. Thank you so much for choosing my card in Your Wall Of Fame. Sorry for being so late with this comment but due to unexpected family problems I've not been able to check on these until now. happy creative week to all the DT and well done to all the Top 3. Angela xXx

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