
Friday, 13 March 2020

Something for the Youngsters

 'Alphabet Challenge'.

               We are starting the new year with a change to the challenge blog, 
                 we no longer have two teams.  We aim to have 10 DT members
                  to provide inspiration, who will  also comment on your entries.
                        We will continue to have two - weekly challenges.
                      We are returning this week with news  of our next challenge
                            but first our thanks to those of you who joined us
                  for our last theme X-tra Embellishments chosen by  Debbie, 
                                          who  also has chosen the winners.
                                               We  were thrilled to have your 
                                  amazing and fantastic entries which inspired us.
                                Exciting news see the page above, on the tab bar
                                                               Winner for the 

                                                                Wall of Fame 
                                                                  #35  Repolainen
                              Wow! An amazing amount of embellishments,
                                                         resulting in a stunning project

                                          Our Top 3 Winners
                                                #3 Chrissy

                                                #53 Lena

                                   #65 Red Obsession Cards

Congratulations to all of our winners, please take a copy
of the winner's badge and proudly display it on your blog.
Please say farewell to Sian, we will miss you, your talent
and dedication.  Thank you for everything, take care and
hopefully keep on crafting, when time allows.
Design Team Call
We would love to invite three more members to
our design team. 
Please see the DT Call details on the tap bar.
On your card entry plaease add DT after your name.
You must send an email to Caz, so she can get in touch with you.
This challenge blog has been very popular for many years.
DT posts do not often become available.

So let's get started with our next challenge, starting with
the letter Y - chosen by Dawn
Y is for Something for the Youngsters

To see how the DT have created their cards, 
click on their name on the right side bar for a direct
link to their blog.




Emma R





By entering these challenges you are giving your consent 
for your blog links being visable along with your 
name in the entries.

Now it's over to you .....
Please leave your link with the Blue In-Link
and remember to link your entry back  to our blog.
We will be around to visit your blogs over the next two weeks. 
After which, we will return with our Wall of Fame winner and
the Top 3 Winners, along with our next challenge. 

Thank you for your interest and support.


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card in your Top 3!
    BIG Congratulations to all.

  2. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team. I have added the card I made for a friend's little boy's birthday.

  3. Wow, I'm so excited to have won, thank you so much!
    It's so honor to mention of that in my sidebar!!!
    Congratulation to other ladies, Great works!
    Hugs, from Finland!!

  4. hai there i eko from sambas, indonesia. i want to share my blog and new one

    this new article too

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